Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rapidly Reviewing Sonic SatAM Episode 2: Sonic Boom

Now that we've gone past the pilot, it's time to get into what will be the official canon of Sonic SatAM from this point onward. The more lighter tones of the first episode are replaced with a more darker aesthetic for the most part. Pink Sally is long gone and designs are, at least until season 2, pretty much where they're going to be from now on. And a good way to show that is to look at the second episode (technically the first to air), Sonic Boom. That's actually a gimmick for the first season. Every title beyond the pilot all have Sonic in the title. Good in theory, but they really don't tell you anything about what's to come in the episode. That's a bit of a peeve of mine.

We open our episode at Robotropolis again. Now looking far more mechanical and imposing since the first episode. Inside an air vent, Sonic, Antoine and a freedom fighter named Cat are waiting for Sally to arrive. First off, why bring Antoine? The coward who really doesn't add much in terms of being a strong fighter? Bring Bunnie for goodness sake! Also, you may be wondering who the hell Cat is. Well, he's just here to die essentially... or in this case, be roboticized. Seriously, you couldn't make this guy look more expendable even if you put him in a red shirt.

Sally arrives and Sonic follows with her while Cat and Antoine stay to watch their backs. That's certainly not going to blow up in their faces or nothing. The mission is to mess with the computer that's controlling the stealth planes around Robotropolis. She uses Nicole (now shaped like a PDA and not the cumbersome computer of the pilot) to decode the mainframe, while Sonic is impatient as usual. While decoding, Sally receives a message with the word "Bean" in it. The significance being that it was a nickname given to her by her father.

Sally decides instead of working on this mission to find the location of the sent message, which is in the dark swamp. Antoine is proving his worth by getting himself caught by the swatbot tanks. Sonic distracts the tanks while Sally and the others make their escape. All goes well, until expendable cat decides to lead a swatbot away from Sally and Antoine, getting himself captured. After some more of that sarcasm tennis between Sonic and Sally, Sonic decides to go back for Cat while Sally and Antoine head to the dark swamp to find an answer about the message.

Meanwhile, Snively gives Robotnik the news about the meddling of the freedom fighters, which, as you would guess angers the easily enraged egg man. But his mood is much happier when he learns about the capture of Cat. He offers Cat a chance for freedom if he spills the beans about the freedom fighters. Cat refuses and Robotnik continues to threaten him. Sonic sneaks into the Jail to meet with Cat. Cat tells Sonic that Robotnik knows that Sally is headed to the dark swamp. He tells Sonic to forget about him and save Sally. Sonic makes a vow to come back to rescue Cat. I mean, he's got this buzzsaw ability that could probably break the bars and free cat, but nah, Sally's more important.

Sally and Antoine trek through the dark swamp, unware that they're being spied on by Robotnik's flying cameras. Antoine is being useful as usual by trembling in fear and wanting to go back to Knothole. Sally, however, is certain that her father is still alive. Nicole locates the source of the message from Ironlock Prison.  Sonic follows their trail as the cameras follow. Robotnik sends the stealth bot plane after them.  It fires another hedgehog seeking missile at him, which just like last time, Sonic just sends right at it, blowing it up.  Man, Robotnik really needs to stop thinking missiles will kill Sonic.

Antoine and Sally arrive at the prison, and deal with one of the flimsiest wooden bridges ever. After Antoine wants to go home yet again, she more or less tells him to nut up because they aren't turning back now. Inside the prison, Sally finds a piece of her father's cloak, suggesting that he was there. Sonic finally manages to catch up with them as they find the computer that Sally's father sent the message from. The message given at least confirms that he's still alive. Inside the message is also a map to Robotropolis. But just as they download it, a convenient booby trap sends them further down into the jail.

Awaiting the three is a giant monster. With murder waiting in the wings, Sally pulls out a deus ex power ring out of Sonic's backpack, which Sonic uses to literally go in and out of the monster, which turns out to be a robot. Well, that could have been far worse. The trio find a series of tunnels and using the map they downloaded earlier, they return to Robotropolis and finally manage to complete their mission of destroying the stealth bots. Sonic goes to get Cat, but as you would guess, he's too late.  Sonic gets chased by Swat Bots. Robotnik sends the stealth bots, which blow up. Sonic taunts Robotnik saying that was for Cat. 

Sonic Boom is a good start to the series proper as we see just how much darker in contrast the show has gotten from the pilot. From the grittier look of the world around it, to the more well defined designs of the characters. The story flows at a decent pace, though I would say it's a bit too dry at points. You get a good feel for our three main characters in the story with Sonic being impatient and headstrong, Sally being serious while also knowing when to be lighthearted and Antoine being... well, Antoine.  As for the story itself, it does offer a lot in terms of the mystery about King Acorn. A lot of these answers will be revealed later in the series, but for now it serves as strong groundwork. As for issues with the episode, I would say rehashing the missile stuff felt annoying, but it was minor. Either way, a great official first episode.

R.I.P Expendable Cat

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