Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rapidly Reviewing ReBoot Episode 35: Mousetrap

When I started these reviews a few months ago, I thought that by the end, I’ll have reviewed every major thing related to the ReBoot show, as in the entire series. But apparently I wasn’t alone in my longing for new ReBoot material as apparently now there are plans to bring the franchise back in a sequel series from Mainframe/Rainmaker. What this show will entail will only be known in the future, but hopefully it goes through unlike the planned movies. But let’s get back to reviewing the current show.

On the last episode, Matrix and the crew of the Saucy Mare were dealing with strange beings known as the web riders, while also trying to find the web creature that had stolen part of AndrAIa’s code. Though the battle with the web riders proved to be too much for the crew, it wouldn’t lead to the demise of our heroes. It turns out the riders were sprites that were degrading from the intense heat of the web, and among the crew was Bob, who managed to recover AndrAIa. Now the only goal remaining is a way to get back to Mainframe.

We open the episode on the Saucy Mare as the crew and the web riders celebrate the recovery of AndrAIa and the return of Bob. However the only one not celebrating is Matrix, who worries that with everything that’s happened and how much he’s changed, he fears that Bob won’t respect him. AndrAIa, of course, pretty much tells him that he’s thinking way too deep about all this, and the two return to the party to catch up with Bob.

But, Matrix of course becomes trigger happy when the festivities get a bit rambunctious. Later on, Bob and Matrix settle this whole tension between them, and tries to cheer up the moody Matrix with the fact that the Surfer can get them back to Mainframe, where they’ll finally deal with Megabyte, and then Daemon. Meanwhile, the crew find a tear perfect for making a portal to Mainframe. But that comes with a snag for as soon as the ship comes close to the tear, it gets caught up in an energy trap.

Matrix blames the guardians for trapping them, but Bob thinks it may be the work of someone else. And of course, if you’ve read the episode title, you know who that is as well. The ship gets hit with a massive energy blast that causes severe damage to the ship. With no other options, the ship is forced to shut down. Bob tells the crew that this trap had to have been the work of Mouse, which would be correct. If you recall all the way back at Web World Wars, to ensure the web creatures couldn’t return to Mainframe, she added extra precautions to ensure nothing from the web could get into Mainframe. And now we see exactly what those precautions are.

With no power and being sitting ducks, the ship is being constantly blasted, and can’t take much more. Captain Capacitor comes up with the idea that they should use the energy of the trap to push the ship. Using Matrix’s eye to target, the set up the sails just as another blast approaches.  The ship begins to move, and eventually breaks through the trap, but with the damage taken and the power down, they still can’t reach the tear.

Of course things get worse for the ship as pixels begin to infect the ship, eating away at it. Bob tells the web riders to try and keep the creatures from entering the ship, and the Surfer follows to help.They manage to ride the ship of the creatures, just as some power is restored to the ship. However, the web shields are falling apart. So it’s all smooth sailing from here right? Of course not, as Mouse set up another trap, which blocks the surfer and the web riders from them.

Now the ship is caught in the middle of a powerful buffer, which is pushing them closer to the tear. Matrix suggests brute force, but AndrAIa and Bob realize that if the trap was to keep web creatures out of the web, than it shouldn’t be attacking them. But since the ship is covered with dead web creatures, then the only option is to remove the web shields. Suddenly, Glitch begins to talk to Bob, and it seems that there’s only one option left in order to stabilize the tear. And that’s to have Bob and Glitch merge together.

With the two merged together, Bob has enough energy to destroy the web shields, protect the ship, and stabilize the tear, which makes a portal to Mainframe. As Bob tells us his format once again, the ship enters the portal. Our heroes are back home.

“Mousetrap” is a solid way to end the third arc of this season. Mainly because it never feels like it moves too slow. All of the stuff that happens as the crew tries to make it to the tear are very cool to see, and it’s really interesting as well to see just how the crew tries to survive everything from the energy blasts, the pixel attacks, and finally the buffer. And we finally get to see Glitch Bob in all of his super powered glory. The last real thing this episode does well is the tension between Bob and Matrix. It shows how much Matrix has changed, to the point that he feels like he’s letting Bob down with what he has become. But then again, Matrix is whiny about everything, so this is par for the course.

So, we’ve finished the trip through the web, and now all that’s left is to save Mainframe. It’s time for a reunion with old friends, and old enemies in the final arc of season 3.